Why self-confidence is essential to your success

On the latest episode of Straight Talk, host David Lewis, President of David Lewis & Associates, discusses one of the most critical ingredients for achieving your goals: self-confidence. One of the most acclaimed magicians of the 20th century, Channing Pollock had this to say about self-confidence: “Calm self-confidence is as far from conceit as the desire to earn a decent living is remote from greed.”

In truth, nothing is more common among high achievers than the trust and faith they have in their potential for success. According to Lewis, self-confidence is available to all who are willing to accept their right to have it.

He adds that the automotive retail industry is an excellent field for someone who wants to be financially successful. There are many layers of opportunity and options for folks who choose this path. In the words of Henry Ford, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right.”

To operate in a self-confident mindset, you must first change how you think while working hard and making solid plans. However, putting in the time and effort to succeed is not enough. You have to believe in your ability to succeed as well.

Surround yourself with others who believe in themselves and you. If you expose yourself to the ideas and principles of successful people, then your self-confidence and determination will build. Your ability and willingness to believe in yourself are a strategic part of accomplishing all you want in life.

You might face challenges and doubts along the way. Still, your ability to overcome these forces will cause you to become successful. To do this, you must address your fear, or False Evidence Appearing Real, as Lewis states. Fear comes from looking behind you instead of focusing on what is ahead. Former President Theodore Roosevelt said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”

Self-confidence comes from working past the thoughts and voices that say you will fail.

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