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CBT News Week In Review: January 31, 2020

CBT News Week In Review for Friday, January 31st, 2020:

Glenn PaschGlenn Pasch on Alleviating Pain Points in Your Customer Journey
Please join us in welcoming back Glenn Pasch, auto marketing expert and CEO of PCG Digital. Glenn and PCG Digital have worked with the likes of GM, Lithia, and Nissan. And he has also provided his expertise to CBT on numerous occasions. Watch Now

Jonathan SmokeCox Automotive Chief Economist Jonathan Smoke Discusses Vehicle Affordability, EVs, and Much More
Year-end sales data has been released for the auto retail industry, and there is a lot to break down. If you want to find out what 2019’s trends could indicate about the headwinds and tailwinds for the rest of this year, then you’ll want to tune in to what our next guest has to say. Here to talk in-depth about what dealers can expect from industry trends and developments moving forward in 2020 is Jonathan Smoke, chief economist for Cox Automotive. Watch Now

Steve FinlayAssessing 5 Major Auto Retail Trends with Steve Finlay, Editor of WardsAuto
In years past, a common criticism the auto industry has faced is that it’s stuck in the past or slow to innovate. However, industry professionals on the showroom floor every day know this simply isn’t true. Here to walk us through some of the defining industry trends for 2019 and exciting new developments to watch for in 2020 is Steve Finlay, Editor at WardsAuto Magazine. Watch Now

Dale PollakDale Pollak’s New Approach to Greater Profitability in Your Used-Car Department
On today’s show, we’re pleased to welcome Dale Pollak, Founder of vAuto and Executive Vice President for Cox Automotive, back to CBT News. Dale is no stranger to CBT, and today we are eager to discuss his brand new book “Gross Deception: A Tale of Shifting Markets, Shrinking Margins and the New Truth of Used Car Profitability.” We’ll also hear Dale’s take on the used vehicle and inventory trends should dealers keep an eye on in 2020. Watch Now

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CBT News
For over 12 years, CBT News has been informing and helping automotive retail professionals grow their businesses and thrive in their careers through an awarding-winning, on-demand streaming platform. With exclusive interviews featuring the biggest names in the industry, daily newscasts, up-to-date market data, and exclusive articles covering the latest trends, CBT News is your #1 source for auto industry news and content.

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