
Speaker and Author Rob Shallenberger on engaging your employees | Driving Customer Retention to Your Dealership | Technician Compensation Plans – What’s Best for Your Shop?

On today’s CBT Newscast for Monday, September 4th, 2017:

Speaker and Author Rob Shallenberger on engaging your employees
Did you know that on average, 2 out of 3 employees at your dealership aren’t engaged on a daily basis with members of your team? On top of that, your entire team uses about 45% of their potential. As a teen, Rob Shallenberger wasn’t using his full potential either, but eventually figured it out. Watch Now

Driving Customer Retention to Your Dealership
Customer loyalty does not necessarily translate into repeat business for your auto dealership. OEMs and dealers spend millions of dollars seeking to convert consumers to loyal customers of their brands. But we need to keep in mind that customer loyalty is not necessarily customer satisfaction, and further, neither is sure to drive customer retention.
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Technician Compensation Plans – What’s Best for Your Shop?
Technicians have a difficult job. Every tool, every chemical, and every car they touch in a normal day can be a threat to their life and limb, adding in the backbreaking and joint kiling labor, they deserve solid compensation for their time. Read More

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