
15 Tips to Improve your Fixed Ops | How to Produce Video Content | Making the Most of Your Digital Spend | Are you compliant with this new Used Car Rule?

On today’s CBT Newscast for Monday, June 26th, 2017:

15 Tips to Improve your Fixed Ops
Joe Gumm spoke to Jody Devere, CEO of, about the customer experience in your service drive as well as what inspired her to write “15 Ways to Communicate Better in the Service Drive” for Car Biz Today. Watch Now

Turn Down-Time Into A Digital Savvy Sales Team (Part 2 – Video Strategy)
You walk onto the sale floor and the sales team is nowhere to be found. This is because you’ve given them a whiteboard calendar, some markers, and they are all throwing content ideas into it in the breakroom! Great, now you have a calendar, but who is going to create this content? Part Two in this three part series will show you why you should utilize it more, how easy Video content is to produce, and basic fundamentals. Read More

Making the Most of Your Digital Spend – Interview with David Schoonover
CBT’s Jim Fitzpatrick sat down with David Schoonover, Head of Digital at Kia Motors of America, to discuss David’s “digital checklist,” monitoring your digital spend, and third-party lead providers. Watch Now

Is your store compliant with this new Used-Car Rule?
In November 2016, the Federal Trade Commission introduced changes to its Used Car Rule that affect auto dealers selling used vehicles. If your business belongs to this group, it’s important that you are well acquainted with the new rules. That’s how you can ensure you are in full compliance with FTC’s requirements. Read More

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