
Redefining service excellence: key benchmarks for the future

With the rise of online sales platforms and intensifying market competition, the service department offers the stability and recurring revenue essential for growth.

Remember the days when the service department felt like an afterthought? In the early stages of your career, you noticed it tucked away, overshadowed by the allure of the showroom floor.

Fast forward to today, and that landscape has dramatically evolved. The service department and FixedOps have stepped out of the shadows, becoming pivotal in shaping a dealership’s reputation and bottom line.

Today, vehicles are no longer just about horsepower or sleek designs; they’re technological powerhouses. And with this complexity comes an informed and discerning customer base. They’re not just looking for a place to get their oil changed; they’re seeking a partner, a trusted advisor who can navigate them through this high-tech automotive world.

With the rise of online sales platforms and intensifying market competition, the service department offers the stability and recurring revenue essential for growth. More than just fixing cars, your service team plays a defining role in cementing customer loyalty and ensuring repeat business.

So, given the spotlight now shining brightly on the service side of things, the question is: how do you rise to the occasion? How do you ensure your fixed ops department isn’t just ‘good enough,’ but exemplary?

Elevating Service Excellence: 5 Key Benchmarks

In the years ahead, dealerships that continually innovate and adapt will be the ones that thrive. Here’s a road map to guide you:

Digital Transformation in Service: Modernize your department by leveraging Virtual Service Advisors driven by AI. This ensures human advisors handle more intricate issues. Additionally, by incorporating Augmented Reality Manuals, technicians can view real-time repair instructions overlaid on the vehicle they’re working on, significantly enhancing their efficiency.

Commitment to Sustainability: Environmental concerns are ever-growing. Showcase your commitment by offering and promoting eco-friendly services like environmentally conscious oil changes and part recycling. It might also be worth pursuing a Green Certification like Honda offers its dealers. This can testify to your dealership’s dedication to a sustainable future.

Tailored and Predictive Service: Harnessing vehicle data has emerged as a game-changer. Using this data for predictive maintenance lets you notify customers of potential service needs before issues arise. Customized upsells, grounded in individual vehicle history and usage patterns, can be proposed, ensuring the customer sees genuine value in every recommendation.

Expanding Service Boundaries: As vehicles evolve, so should the services you offer. Consider how you’ll handle over-the-air updates, which address software-driven vehicle issues without the car even setting a tire in the shop. Moreover, introducing mobile repair units can revolutionize convenience, bringing your expertise directly to the customer’s location.

Building Loyalty Through Membership Programs and Collaborative Growth: Developing a service subscription model covers regular maintenance tasks and guarantees consistent patronage. Paired with loyalty benefits, this can significantly incentivize repeat business. Moreover, forging tech partnerships with automotive innovation leaders and collaborating with local businesses can offer customers a holistic and enriched service experience.

Leading the Way

By integrating these progressive benchmarks, your service department can not only meet the current demands of the industry but also position itself as a leader in automotive service innovation.

Adopting such measures ensures that your dealership remains at the forefront of customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue growth.

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Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell is a contributing writer and reporter for CBT News. He earned bachelor's degrees in Marketing and Television from the University of Texas in Austin and a Masters of Theology study from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas. His passion for automobiles lead him to become a creative director for automotive marketing ad agency. Most recently, he was the manager of interactive marketing for Mitsubishi Motors, NA.

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