
Hiring Heroes: How Dealerships Can Honor Veterans Beyond Memorial Day

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is a time for remembering and honoring the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to the United States. This tradition dates back to the post-Civil War era, evolving from Decoration Day into the national holiday we recognize today.  

While many Americans see it as a long weekend heralding the start of summer, it’s essential to remember the day’s more profound significance. Dealerships often participate in Memorial Day sales, but there’s a powerful, more enduring way to honor those who have sacrificed their lives—by hiring veterans. 

The Importance of Hiring Veterans 

Veterans bring a wealth of skills and experiences that can significantly benefit any dealership. Their discipline, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, honed through rigorous military training, make them excellent candidates for various roles. From sales to service, veterans can contribute positively to your dealership’s success. 

Moreover, hiring veterans isn’t just good for business; it’s a meaningful way to give back to those who have given so much for their country. It’s a commitment to supporting those who have served, providing them with the opportunities they deserve as they transition back into civilian life. 

Why Hire Veterans? 

Dealerships have a unique opportunity to support those who have served our country by bringing them into the automotive industry. Here’s why veterans are such valuable additions to your team: 

1. Strong Work Ethic: Veterans are accustomed to hard work and long hours. Their dedication and commitment to their duties in the military translate seamlessly into the workplace, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. 

2. Leadership and Teamwork: Military personnel are trained to lead and work as a team. These skills are invaluable in a dealership setting, where collaboration and strong leadership are crucial for success. 

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Veterans are skilled at thinking on their feet and coming up with solutions under pressure. This ability to adapt and solve problems can be particularly beneficial in the fast-paced environment of a dealership. 

4. Technical Skills: While the industry struggles to find tech-oriented employees, it’s reassuring that many veterans have received advanced training in various technical fields. After the military, they can also increase their skills through organizations like the Academy of Advanced Manufacturing and Workshops for Warriors. Whether it’s mechanics, logistics, or technology, their skills can be a significant asset to your service department. 

5. The Ability to Work Under Pressure: Veterans are no strangers to high-stress environments. Their military training equips them to remain calm, focused, and effective even under intense pressure. This ability is crucial in the often fast-paced, high-stakes world of automotive sales and service, where quick, informed decisions can make a significant difference. 

Impact on the Customer Experience 

Hiring veterans can also enhance the customer experience at your dealership in multiple ways: 

1. Enhanced Customer Perception: Customers often appreciate businesses that support veterans, creating a positive perception of your brand. When consumers see that your dealership is committed to hiring veterans, it reflects well on your business’s values and can be a significant factor in their decision-making process. 

2. Reliability and Honesty: Veterans bring qualities like reliability and honesty. Their military background instills a strong sense of integrity and accountability, translating into a trustworthy and dependable customer service experience. With less than 19% of consumers feeling dealerships are transparent during the shopping and purchasing phases, dealership honesty and reliability can make a difference. Customers are more likely to return to a dealership where they feel their needs are met with transparency and sincerity. 

3. Service-Oriented Mindset: Today, customer service is more important than ever. The service-oriented mindset ingrained in veterans can significantly elevate customer interactions. Veterans are trained to prioritize the needs of others, which can enhance the quality of customer service. This mindset helps create a welcoming and supportive atmosphere that customers appreciate and remember. 

4. Effective Communication: Veterans are adept at clear and effective communication, a skill crucial for addressing customer concerns, explaining vehicle features, and ensuring a smooth sales process. Their ability to convey information succinctly and professionally can leave a lasting impression on customers, fostering loyalty and trust. 

5. Customer Loyalty and Retention: Ultimately, you should hire with the thought of how it could increase customer loyalty no matter who you hire at a dealership. Veterans’ disciplined approach and commitment to excellence can improve customer satisfaction through a positive work environment. Satisfied customers are more likely to return for future purchases and recommend your dealership to others, driving long-term loyalty and growth. 

Beyond Memorial Day Sales 

While Memorial Day sales can drive traffic and boost sales, honoring veterans shouldn’t be limited to one day or event. Here’s how dealerships can go beyond: 

1. Veteran Hiring Programs: Implement dedicated hiring programs to recruit and train veterans—partner with veteran organizations to find qualified candidates and provide support during their transition to civilian employment. 

2. Community Engagement: Participate in or sponsor community events that honor veterans. This could include local parades, veteran job fairs, or charity drives supporting veteran causes. 

3. Ongoing Support: Offer continuous support to veteran employees through mentorship programs, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment that values their unique contributions. 

4. Highlight Veteran Employees: Feature stories of your veteran employees on your website and social media. This will not only honor their service but also showcase your dealership’s commitment to supporting veterans. 

Commitment Beyond the Holiday: Building a Stronger Community 

Honoring veterans goes beyond Memorial Day. By actively hiring and supporting veterans, dealerships can make a lasting impact within their business and community. It’s about recognizing the skills and sacrifices of those who have served and providing them with meaningful opportunities in their civilian lives. 

Hiring veterans is not just an act of patriotism; it’s a wise business decision with many benefits.  

As we commemorate Memorial Day, let’s remember the heroes who have made America great through their sacrifice, hard work, dedication, and service. And let’s commit year-round to supporting them in their new journey, enriching our dealerships and communities in the process. 

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Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell is a contributing writer and reporter for CBT News. He earned bachelor's degrees in Marketing and Television from the University of Texas in Austin and a Masters of Theology study from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas. His passion for automobiles lead him to become a creative director for automotive marketing ad agency. Most recently, he was the manager of interactive marketing for Mitsubishi Motors, NA.

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