
Impactful ways to tap into the Hispanic market | Americans Want More Fuel Efficient SUVs and Trucks | Service Department Analysis Paralysis

On today’s CBT Newscast for Wednesday, July 12th, 2017:

Several impactful ways to tap into the Hispanic market
Hispanics account for more than 20% of the population (ages 10-39). This year, Hispanics will purchase nearly two million new vehicles. How can your dealership tap into this expanding group? Ricky Lopez, CEO of Hispanic Ad Agency, says one way is to set up a Hispanic department inside your dealership. Watch Now

8 in 10 Americans Want More Fuel Efficient SUVs and Trucks
Fuel economy remains the top vehicle attribute that has the most room for improvement, according to a nationally representative survey of Americans by Consumers Union, the policy and mobilization division of Consumer Reports. Even as gas prices remain low, consumers want to decrease spending on fuel. Watch Now

Service Department Analysis Paralysis. How to Make a Decision and Move Forward
Service operations generate mountains of data associated with the performance of the department. Leaders can and do devote a lengthy amount of time and energy simply compiling accurate and relative data, never mind analyzing what it means. Read More

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