Welcome back to Diversity in Automotive brought to you by TrueCar and CarNow. As you look across your customer base, there are several moving parts of communications that everyone has to get right. Externally, dealers have to represent the franchise brand, market area, and culture. Internally, the dealership’s front line personnel need to have a degree of versatility.
In today’s segment, host Cory Mosley is joined by an esteemed panel of automotive retail professionals. This panel includes Girard Ivory, director of BDC operations and partnerships at CarNow, Vivian Carrillo, regional performance manager at CarNow, and Kerri Wise, VP of communications at TrueCar. Combined, these companies manage tens of thousands of active dealership communications.
The panel first tackles what factors go into making diverse communications work across all platforms. It is important to keep communication consistent and more appropriate for a broader base. Keep your messaging neutral until you can gauge who you are speaking to. Then, you can personalize communication without being inauthentic or pandering to the consumer.
The group then talks about the business of converting visitors into leads. Including, what factors they see that may fall under the diversity umbrella when it comes to website visuals or the nuances of the local dialect. Lastly, they discuss the opportunities within customer communication strategies that help dealers reach a more diverse audience relative to their customer base.
Join us next Thursday for another episode of Diversity in Automotive. Cory Mosley sits down with more auto retail professionals to discuss attracting, retaining, and promoting LGBTQ employees.
Did you miss last week’s episode of Diversity in Automotive? Watch it here now! And don’t forget to share your questions and comments with Jim Fitzpatrick at jfitzpatrick@cbtnews.com.
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