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Shifting Gears to Manage Change During COVID-19

Yes, business must continue, but it may have to do so in many new ways. Being open to creative solutions from peers, suppliers and...
Natasha del Barrio

CEO Natasha del Barrio Discusses Bert Ogden Auto Group’s Unique Response...

As part of our continuing coverage of the Coronavirus, we’re pleased to welcome back Natasha del Barrio, CEO of Bert Ogden and Fiesta Auto...

Six Tips on How to Manage Your Dealership Team While Working...

COVID-19 is changing everyone's daily routines, especially when it comes to the workplace. Most businesses that are customer-facing are having to shut their doors...

8 Habits That Every Service Manager Should Adopt in Order to...

Setting and enforcing a new standard in your dealership at the very beginning of the year is the easiest way to ensure that you...
Facebook Marketplace

Why Dealerships Should Use Facebook Marketplace

In 1995, Craigslist changed the way individuals bought and sold personal items, including used vehicles. Craigslist replaced newspaper classified ads as the go-to spot...

Software Won’t Correct Bad Leadership

In sports, there is a saying, “It’s All About the Jimmy’s and Joe’s not the X’s and O’s.” What that means is, having the...

4 Qualities Every Great Leader Needs in the Dealership

Finding a list of top leadership qualities is rather simple - a good listener, a team player, inspire others, and so on. But what...

What is Unconscious Bias and How to Prevent it from Disrupting...

To combat unconscious gender and racial biases in the workplace, management must take deliberate action against them, or it could cause tremendous profit losses....
the process

The Process of Creating a Great Process

Processes are the core tools for business. In order to become and remain successful and competitive, Dealership Service Departments must continuously improve their processes....
fixed operations

Planning Is Good, Actions Are Better: How to Increase Profits and...

Remember our 2018 New Year Resolution on how make your dealership more profitable by increasing customer satisfaction and creating more profit retention while lowing...