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CBT Automotive Newscast for February 6, 2020

Today on – Thursday, February 6th, 2020:

Shep HykenShep Hyken Identifies the Customer Phases Needed to Strengthen Dealership Loyalty in His New Book, “The Cult of the Customer”
Many businesses today can agree that placing a focal point on the customer is imperative for business success and can easily be a core value of a company’s culture. But how can you treat the customer so well that they become evangelists for your business? Our guest today, Shep Hyken, explains the answer within his new book “The Cult of the Customer”. Shep is a New York Times best-selling author and an expert in customer experience. Watch Now

Shep HykenWhat is Your Customer Data Worth?
Today, most dealers spend heavily on purchased media—both traditional and digital—not because they want to, but because they have no other way to reach consumers. Imagine if you knew every household in your primary market area (PMA). If you knew how to contact them, their media preferences and their vehicle and service needs, you would never have to purchase another television or radio ad again. You would simply engage in ongoing, meaningful dialogue with the few thousand households that drive your profits. Read More

Shep HykenWhat Customers Actually Want in the Waiting Room
Wait time is a perceptual thing. Depending on many factors, time can either stretch or contract. When creating your dealership’s waiting room, you want to make customers feel like time is flying — or at the very least that it’s not being wasted. Generally, the factors that make a wait seem long is when the time spent waiting is unexplained, unoccupied and uncertain. No one likes waiting for no reason, being bored while waiting or not knowing when the wait will finally end. When designing a waiting room, make sure to address these three points. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Read More

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