
7 ways car dealers can master social media

With the right strategy, the best platforms, and established goals, you can make social media have a positive impact on your bottom line.

95% of vehicle buyers use digital channels as a source of information, according to Google. Social media platforms are likely included in these channels for potential car buyers.

It’s understandable for dealers to be skeptical of adding another component to their digital marketing strategy.

From using paid ads to focusing on SEO, it may feel overwhelming to spotlight social media, especially as new platforms come about. However, with a simple and effective strategy, these platforms can help you meet your marketing goals. Here are seven ways your dealership can come out on top regarding social media.

Know what your goals are and select the right platform to accompany them

Before you select platforms (or decide whether to use the ones you’re already on), create a content calendar, or reach out to influencers, you want to assess what you want from a social media strategy. For example, you could widen your audience to include new entrants to the car-buying market, like Generation Z.

Gen ZMore: What do Gen Z car buyers think about the retail process? – Brendan Dougherty | CDK Global

In that case, a platform that targets them, like TikTok, would be appropriate. If you want to heighten your strategies to get more local eyes on your ads, then Facebook might be the way to go. Determine your ultimate objective, and keep that lens when looking at platforms.

Create a solid social media strategy

You want to develop a solid social media plan that benefits you, is efficient, and offers a return on your investment. Your dealership’s strategy should be something that can be managed, regardless of who is on your marketing team. Here are some hallmarks of a solid social media strategy:

  • A well-crafted marketing strategy budget
  • A comprehensive content calendar
  • Plans for connecting your social media platforms to other digital marketing components like email marketing channels and inventory pages
  • The use of marketing automation tools to simplify social media posting processes
  • Goals and benchmarks

Create a unique voice to tell your dealership’s story

Carve out your dealership’s voice, and use that to set yourself apart from competitors. Customers want to feel like they aren’t just engaging with a faceless account when interacting with brands.

Therefore, find ways to make your social media account stand out. Do you have a quirky way of recognizing your employees? Share that on the platform. Does your dealership focus on luxury clientele? Lean into this in your imagery. Find your niche, and take advantage of it.

Don’t forget about the power of video

Image sources: Wyowl

The video production company, Wyzowl, in their State of the Video Marketing 2023 report, found that 92% of video marketers experience positive ROI with videos.

HubSpot also revealed that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. So, see how you can incorporate video into your social media marketing, whether it’s a maintenance instructional video or a vehicle walkthrough.

Encourage comments and engage with them

Most social media algorithms will favor companies that receive user engagement, and comments fall into that category. So, make posts that create conversation among your potential customers. Regularly engaging with those comments can also help your brand. Social media is a conversation, so keep the dialogue going as much as you can.

Catch your audience’s eye with incentives

For those promotions that you’re running at your dealership, make sure they are shared on your social media platforms. Let your audience know what you’re doing, whether selling a discounted oil change or offering an incentive for potential car buyers. These can also be great ways to encourage email sign-ups or get those individuals into your dealership.

Prioritize user-generated content

Almost 80% of consumers feel that user-generated content impacts their purchasing decisions. Customers are influenced by their peers. Not only does it create a more personal connection, but it also fosters trust.

Ask recent car buyers if they would share their experience with your dealership online. You can even have a potential customer film their test drive and post it. Find ways to get your customers involved.

Social media can be a massive benefit for your dealership. With the right strategy, the best platforms, and established goals, you can make social media have a positive impact on your bottom line.

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Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner is a contributing writer and investigative journalist for CBT News.

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