
5 tips to improve your search results page (SRP) design

Helpful tips to get your dealership's website onto the front page of Google's search results, and drive more traffic to your business

One of the most popular locations for potential car buyers to find you are on the device you’re likely viewing this article from, whether it’s a phone, laptop, or desktop computer. 

Many of today’s customers are carrying out their car-buying searches online. And much like that billboard in the physical world, your website is a tool for drawing individuals to your dealership inventory. 

But how can you ensure that car buyers are finding your webpage? Exceptional search page results design is the answer. User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design can make it much easier for individuals to find your page. Here are some ways to optimize your dealership page to ensure it’s an exceptional digital billboard. 

Keep Up-to-Date on Google and other Search Engine Algorithm Changes 

Google has rules for engagement when it comes to ensuring that your webpage reaches the top spot of a search engine for a specific keyword. Therefore, you and your team must be aware of any algorithm changes. Factors like website loading times, specific webpage layout specifications, and even the number of internal links you have on a page can impact your rankings. So, be sure to keep track of any new specifications by Google. 

Show Real Photos of Your Vehicles 

Not only do you want customers to reach your webpage, but you also want them to stay as long as possible.’s New Search Page Results, Performance Analysis for December 2020, revealed that new cars with real photos were 30% more likely to have received one new lead in seven days. This statistic went up to 40% for used and certified vehicles; therefore, try to include actual vehicle photos and even video when possible. 

Have an Efficient Search Bar 

Even if you’ve expertly placed information in the right place, users will still want to search for various things on your dealership page. This is where having a prominently placed search bar can come in handy. 

google reviewsMore: How to connect your Google reviews to your dealership website: Step-by-step setup guide

A well-made search bar that produces valuable results can help take car buyers where they need to go., a site search platform company, found that 68% of shoppers would not return to a website that provided a poor site search experience. 

Reduce the Number of Clicks Your Customers Have to Make 

Website navigation is vital for ranking high and getting customers to visit and stay on your dealership page. You want to anticipate their needs and offer those things in an accessible place where they can find them. You can do this by anticipating your customer’s buying journey. 

For example, once customers look at a specific vehicle, if they’re interested, they may want to set up a test drive or come in for a consultation. Make it clear where they can do this, whether they need to initiate a message with a live chat or see a number to call your dealership directly. 

Get Insight from Your Customers 

Some of the best people to ask about any changes you should make to your dealership’s webpage layout are your customers who regularly view your page. 

They can give you insight into what works and what doesn’t. They can even help you prioritize the correct information for your webpage. You can use a combination of surveys and even in-person conversations to get a feel for how you can improve your webpage. 

Final Thoughts 

Improving your UX and UI is an ongoing process. As search engines change their algorithms, local search evolves, and consumer tastes change, you’ll always need a pulse on the changes needed. 

However, by keeping an eye on trends, monitoring competitors, and speaking with customers, you can keep your dealership page dynamic, responsive, and a resource that stays in front of your customers to generate leads.

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Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner
Chanell Turner is a contributing writer and investigative journalist for CBT News.

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