3 Core Beliefs Individuals On Winning Teams Have

core beliefs

If an employee works on an assembly line connecting two pieces of plastic together without any knowledge of what those pieces will become, he’ll never be invested in the organization. Similarly, if an employee doesn’t know anything about his fellow workers or what they do, he’ll never develop faith in their ability to do their part.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happens in many organizations. Employees work on their piece of the puzzle without understanding how their efforts fit into the overall organization or how other employees fit within the organization.

Consequently, those employees aren’t effective. And it’s not because they aren’t putting in any effort. It’s because they believe they don’t matter.

The good news is, business leaders can influence employees’ core beliefs and show them that their tasks have meaning and purpose. Everything from the way a leader conducts meetings to how that leader communicates with each team member sends a strong message.

If you want to create a winning team, instill healthy core beliefs. When people believe in themselves, their team members, and their organization as a whole, they can accomplish incredible feats.

Here are the three core beliefs individuals on a winning team have:

1 – I matter
An employee will rise to the challenge if she knows her actions make a difference. But before you can expect people to pour their hearts into their work, you need to show them that what they do matters.

2 – The People in my Organization Matter
The way leaders respond to mistakes, communicate failures, and address personnel problems influence how employees feel about the other people within the organization. Leaders need to demonstrate they have faith in the employees and in management if they want individuals to perform at their peak.

3 – My Organization Matters
It’s essential that leaders inspire confidence that no matter what happens outside the organization, the company will still leave its mark,. A team who believes their organization matters will work tirelessly to overcome adversity.


Read the full article from Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/amymorin/2017/05/21/3-core-beliefs-individuals-on-winning-teams-have/#3ee23146278b