
Why Your Digital Marketing Strategy Should Still Include Facebook | Winter Is Coming, What Is your Dealership Offering? | I Wish They Could Stay Green Peas Forever!

Today on – Thursday, September 27th, 2018:

newscastWhy Your Digital Marketing Strategy Should Still Include Facebook – Matt Stoffel
In recent months, the social media giant Facebook has had to do some damage control when dealing with its users’ privacy concerns. After the revelation that Facebook was using people’s offline behavior to target their advertising, many retailers have been wondering, ‘what happens next? On today’s segment, CBT’s Jim Fitzpatrick sits down with Matt Stoffel, Sales Manager at 9 Clouds, a digital automotive marketing agency out of St. Paul, MN to discuss what these changes mean for your dealership’s next ad campaign. Watch Now

newscastWinter Is Coming, What Is your Dealership Offering?
Though it might still feel like summer where you live, winter is indeed on its way. With it comes all kinds of challenges for car owners. The proactive dealership is one that’s looking ahead and thinking about how they can mitigate these challenges, offering services that will meet their customers’ needs.While every winter is different, and every city and town faces different weather conditions, chances are you already know some of what your customers will endure over the next few months. With that in mind and some careful planning, your dealership can corner your area’s winter market! Read More

newscastI Wish They Could Stay Green Peas Forever!
Salespeople… ahh, they grow up so fast, don’t they? One day they’re young, wide-eyed Green Peas treating every Up like a qualified buyer, selling sixteen out of the gate and hanging on your every word; and the next, they’re a bunch of know-it-all 8-Car Alans standing in the smoking circle complaining about how much your inventory and your advertising suck. Gosh, where did those three months go anyway? Read More

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