Today on – Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019:
AIADA Chairman Howard Hakes on NAFTA, Tariffs, and Vehicle Affordability
This summer sure has been busy for Washington with U.S.-China trade war threats, CAFE regulations, and a historic cut in interest rates. And the folks over at AIADA have been following these developments closely and measuring the impact they will have on the industry. Recently, we caught up with Howard Hakes, the 2019 Chairman for AIADA to discuss these industry events in more detail. Watch Now
Five Essential Customer Experience Metrics That Will Help You Retain Buyers at Your Dealership
How can you tell if your customers are satisfied with the service and experience they had at your dealership? It can be tempting to only look at sales and revenue. Logic would say that the more sales you are getting, the happier your customers are. While this is a metric that is important, it shouldn’t be the only one you and your team monitor. Read More
5 Reasons Your Dealership Needs Video Now
If you’re not utilizing video as part of your overall marketing strategy – you’re falling behind. It not only adds depth to your marketing, it’s preferred over other types of content according to a HubSpot Research report. It also showed that branded videos are more memorable compared to branded photos or written content. Let me say that again – your customers said they prefer watching videos and it’s more memorable to them than other types of content – you need to be doing video! If you’re not already convinced, here’s 5 more reasons why adding video will help drive cars off the lot. Read More