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CBT Automotive Newscast for January 14, 2020

Today on – Tuesday, January 14th, 2020:

Dave Wilson7 Dealership Practices That Preston Auto Group is Focusing on in 2020
On today’s show, we’re pleased to continue our conversation with Dave Wilson, Chairman of Preston Auto Group, and Tim Wilson, President of iFrog Digital Marketing. Watch Now

Dave Wilson3 Tips to Sell More Cars Through the Service Drive
45% of customers who service at a dealership bought not only the car they are servicing, but also previous vehicles at that dealership. This demonstrates how impactful it is to keep that sales-service-sales lifecycle churning. Don’t expect the remaining 55% of customers who come in regularly to stroll onto your showroom floor; you need to be proactive about your strategy to get them in the door. Read More

Dave WilsonDealing with the Technician Drought
There is a “Technician Drought” that has been plaguing the car industry for decades, pretty severely for the past 5 years or so. Finding and keeping excellent quality techs has been as elusive as a rainstorm in the middle of the desert. Like a real drought, this ailment causes the rationing of your most precious resources; the people who actually produce the work you charge your customers for! As a result, productivity, profitability, retail growth, customer and employee satisfaction categorically suffer. Read More

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