
Want to keep more female employees? Give them a work/life balance | 5 Ways to Add a Personal Touch to Sales | Why Salespeople Resist Change

On today’s CBT Newscast for Tuesday, September 19th, 2017:

Want to keep more female employees? Give them a work/life balance
A work/life balance is something we all want. For women who want to work at a dealership, that means something different. Lisa Copeland found that balance operating a successful Fiat store in Austin, Texas. Watch Now

5 Ways to Add a Personal Touch to Sales
Successful salespeople have a few things in common, but one of them is definitely the ability to build relationships. The best sales relationships are also good personal relationships. Read More

Why Salespeople Resist Change and What to Do About It
When a dealership decides to change technologies, the transition can be hard on everyone. Those changes seem to be especially difficult, though, for dealership sales professionals. Because their pay is heavily based on performance, they often worry that new technologies will interfere with their established routines and inhibit their ability to earn a living.
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