On today’s CBT Newscast for Monday, January 29th, 2018:
Becky Nixon: The profit you’re missing if you overlook Winter maintenance
Say the low today in Atlanta is 26 degrees and the high is 54. It’s not too cold to shutdown a service bay, but where your dealership is, it might be cold enough to at least shut the bay doors. Becky Nixon, host of the Weekly Tune-Up here on the CBT Automotive Network, says that for others, winter is a great time to take advantage of profit opportunities. Watch Now
Get ready! More automakers are turning to this service
We’ve already seen the likes of Cadillac, Lincoln, Porsche, and Volvo do it, but now, according to Business Insider, BMW and Mercedes are set to join in testing subscription services. As of today, though, neither of the automakers have released details of what their services will entail. Read More
What consumers really think of autonomous vehicles
While the automakers of the brand/brands you sell figure out how to replace the gas-powered vehicles on your lot for semi- to full-autonomous ones, a new Triple-A survey finds that 63% of drivers in the U.S. are still fearful of taking a spin in an autonomous car. A year ago, the figure was 78%. That equates to 20 million more people who are now more comfortable with the idea, and why not? Elaine Chao, the U.S. Transportation Secretary, told Bloomberg that Autonomous vehicles will “save lives.” Watch Now