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How dealerships can win the talent war in fixed operations

The recruitment landscape in fixed operations is undoubtedly challenging, but it is also ripe with opportunity.

In an industry as challenging and complex as fixed operations, attracting and retaining top-tier talent is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. The landscape of finding and recruiting in fixed operations is one marked by high demand and fierce competition for skilled professionals. From service technicians and parts managers to service advisors and beyond, each role is crucial for maintaining the operational excellence and customer satisfaction that drive dealership success.

Navigating the Talent Landscape

The first step in overcoming the hurdles of hiring in fixed operations is understanding the unique demands of the industry. The roles within fixed operations require a blend of technical expertise, customer service prowess, and the ability to adapt to an ever-evolving technological and customer-centric landscape. The challenge, however, lies not only in finding candidates with the right skill set but also in attracting those who fit the dealership’s culture and long-term vision.

Hiring people from outside the industry presents a challenge. A dealership must have a hiring process that ensures the success of the person coming on board. Relying on only hiring people with dealership experience will only exacerbate the talent shortage. We must be proactive in finding the right people to take care of our customers and fit in with the team.

The Challenge

Fixed operations have positions far beyond a person’s starting job role. An established career path is an opportunity to show potential candidates that this is more than a job. Many people want to be able to know that their hard work will be rewarded with advancement. The generations in and entering the workforce like to have variety in their work.

Showing each of these sets of people the potential paths their careers could follow will help you stand out when interviewing and hiring. Giving people options for the way they work will open up additional candidates for you to interview and hire.

Traditional hiring methods are no longer sufficient. Today’s candidates seek these opportunities that offer not just a job, but a career path, professional development, and a culture that values their contribution and well-being.

Embracing Modern Recruitment Strategies

To bridge this gap, dealerships must embrace innovative recruitment strategies.

In our digital age, the first touchpoint for potential candidates is often online. A robust online presence, showcasing the dealership’s culture, values, and career opportunities, is vital. Social media platforms, professional networks, and online forums are invaluable tools for engaging with potential candidates and building your brand as an employer of choice.

Virtual Job Boards: A Game-Changer for Recruitment and Hiring

Enter is a good example of a platform that stands out in the crowded space of job boards. What sets apart is its laser focus on the fixed operations sector. This specialization makes it an invaluable resource for dealerships seeking to connect with experienced professionals who are looking for opportunities precisely in this niche.

Your potential candidates are being frustrated as they search for your open jobs on other boards that have every industry posting on the platform. By having a 100% fixed ops-focused site you and your potential hires know the information is relevant to you.

The Advantage of Virtual Job Boards

Targeted Reach

A virtual job board offers a direct line to a pool of candidates dedicated to fixed operations This specificity ensures that job postings are seen by relevant eyes, increasing the chances of finding the right fit for each role.

Quality over Quantity

By concentrating on fixed operations, the platform ensures that the quality of applicants is high. Dealerships can expect candidates who are not only qualified but genuinely interested in building a career within the sector.

Beyond the Job Board

A job board like, goes beyond merely listing job openings. It provides a comprehensive recruitment solution, offering resources and insights into best practices for attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent in the fixed operations field.

Best Practices for Virtual Recruiting

Create Compelling Job Listings

To attract the best candidates, craft job listings that go beyond the basic responsibilities and qualifications. Highlight your dealership’s culture, values, and the career development opportunities that set you apart.

Engage Actively with Candidates

Do not not just post jobs but actively engage with potential candidates. Respond promptly to enquiries and applications, providing a positive experience from the first interaction.

Showcase Your Brand

Take advantage of the platform to showcase your dealership’s brand. A strong employer brand can be the deciding factor for candidates choosing between opportunities. Take the time to add a cover photo and an About Us section that creates interest and excitement for a candidate to want to learn more!

Cultivating a Talent Pipeline

Recruiting for fixed operations is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Building a talent pipeline ensures that you have a steady stream of qualified candidates to fill roles as they become available. Engage with passive candidates, maintain relationships with promising applicants, and leverage networks to keep your pipeline full.

Continuing the building of your culture and keeping that in front of people will help you easily maintain a list of people who want to work at your dealership. Using platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, gives your company life and can showcase the reasons people would want to work there.

The Path Forward

The future of recruitment in fixed operations demands a strategic, proactive approach. Platforms like are at the forefront of transforming how dealerships meet their hiring needs. By leveraging specialized job boards and embracing modern recruitment strategies and a well-connected network dealerships can overcome the challenges of finding and hiring the help they need to thrive.

The recruitment landscape in fixed operations is undoubtedly challenging, but it is also ripe with opportunity. With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, dealerships can attract and retain the talent that will drive their success now and in the future. represents a pivotal resource in this journey, offering a targeted, effective solution to the unique recruitment needs of the fixed operations sector.

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Dave Foy, Vice President of Fixed Ops Training for OEM Interactive
Dave Foy, Vice President of Fixed Ops Training for OEM Interactive
Dave Foy is the Vice President of Fixed Ops Training for OEM Interactive as well as an automotive thought leader. His career has spanned over three decades and has impacted hundreds of service teams around the country. In his current role, he oversees all educational content creation for the Fixed Ops Mastermind University platform, assisting dealers with posting jobs and recruiting efforts for and also creating helpful content for the fixed ops community in OEM Interactive's new monthly magazine "Fixed."

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