On today’s CBT Newscast for Wednesday, November 29th, 2017:
CDK’s Ron Frey on developing the best in-store process
Does every car shopper want to handle the buying process all online? It depends on who you ask. In an interview with CBT’s Jim Fitzpatrick, Ron Frey, Chief Strategy Officer with CDK Global, gave his thoughts on the topic. He says not everyone wants to do everything online. Even more importantly, if dealerships are concentrating so much of the online process, are they missing out on valuable pieces to the in-store process. Watch Now
Toyota Research Institute CEO on why autonomy is more about people than cars
People love their cars, according to Gill Pratt, CEO of the Toyota Research Institue. in an interview with CBS regarding autonomy, Pratt says a car enables human autonomy and believes the future of autonomy is really about people, not necessarily about cars, like certain automakers are making it out to be. Watch Now
Mike Jackson on the Future of Retail Automotive
In a recent opinion piece for Auto News, AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson said that disruption and revolution are coming to the auto industry and will affect suppliers, manufacturers, and dealers, but dealers will not vanish. One reason why Jackson think this is the case is that there are 265 million vehicles on the road that American consumers love and use very economically for independent transportation, and these vehicles will not be made obsolete from one moment to the next. Read More