
Stellantis reuses packaging in manufacturing, Volvo tracks EV battery metals, Kia/Hyundai settle theft lawsuit

Top stories

Stellantis cuts waste by reusing packaging materials in manufacturing. Read More

Volvo Cars introduce a ‘battery passport’ to track metals in EV batteries. Read More

Settlement reached in Kia, Hyundai vehicle theft class action lawsuit. Read More

Senator Joe Manchin urges U.S. companies to sue Treasury over Clean Energy Tax Credit rules. Read More

Featured Interview

In today's episode of Inside Automotive, John Fitzpatrick joins us to discuss the top things dealers should pay attention to this summer.Top tips for dealers to boost profits and capture market share – John Fitzpatrick | Force Marketing
Every dealer is currently focusing on the start of the selling season, which typically runs from May to September or October. In today’s episode of Inside Automotive, John Fitzpatrick, the President and CEO of Force Marketing, joins us to discuss the top three things dealers should pay attention to this summer. Watch the full segment here.

Many dealerships struggle with follow-up, a fundamental aspect of the sales process. Today's CBT Now, Sean Gardner shares insight.How the power of persistent follow-up will unlock extra sales – Sean Gardner Closing a few extra sales each week can have a profound impact on your bottom line, fueling your success and driving your career forward. In today’s episode of CBT Now, Sean Gardner, Instructor and Sales Trainer at the Joe Verde Group, will guide us through the process and inspire you to reach for those extra sales. Watch the full segment here.

For Dealers

EV range anxiety gets a lot of attention. In short, it is the fear that an electric car will run out of charge before reaching a recharge.The truth about EV range anxiety
EV range anxiety gets a lot of attention. In short, it is the fear that an electric car will run out of charge before reaching a place to recharge. While EV ranges have been improving every year – 2021 models average a range of 217 miles – it’s still less than the median range of 413 miles for gas vehicles. Read More

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