
Used car sales skyrocket, GM plans HQ move, Fisker adds dealerships

Inside Automotive

Ryan Haskell joins Inside Automotive to share simple and effective talent acquisition strategies for fixed-ops departments.Simple strategies to attract and retain fixed-ops talent — Ryan Haskell | Jeff Wyler Automotive Family
Dealership fixed-ops departments require educated and well-trained employees to succeed, making the current technician shortage a devastating blow to long-term viability. Taking steps to boost recruitment and retainment during this challenging period is more important than ever. On this episode of Inside Automotive, host Jim Fitzpatrick is joined by Ryan Haskell, fixed-ops director at Jeff Wyler Automotive Family. Now, Haskell shares his playbook for attracting and keeping high-quality employees and boosting service department performance regardless of the labor market. Watch the full segment here.

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Used vehicle sales surge as buyers hunt for deals. Read More

General Motors to move headquarters after nearly 30 years. Read More

Fisker adds U.S., Europe dealers as bankruptcy looms. Read More

Affordability report: best value new cars on the market. Read More

For Dealers

In this article, we took a closer look at the recent evolution of e-titling and how this innovation is driving success in the dealership.Streamlining Title Acquisition: The Rise of E-Titling
In the fast–paced world of automotive sales, time equals money. Every minute spent on
paperwork and administrative tasks is a minute taken away from serving customers and closing deals. And when you can’t get an acquired vehicle title in your name in order to resell it, we’re looking at days, weeks, or even months. For too long, the process of acquiring vehicle titles has been a notorious bottleneck, hindering efficiency and frustrating dealerships across the nation — no more. The winds of change are blowing, and they’ve brought about a new solution to revolutionize title acquisition: E–Titling. Read More

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