
Ready for Super Bowl Sunday and it’s not just about the game

In 2024 the big stage belongs to VW, BMW, and Kia representing the auto industry and telling their stories.

As we approach Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, you can’t help but to look forward to a classic game between Kansas City and San Francisco who faced each other in the Super Bowl LIV in Miami.  The Detroit Lions just fell short to make their first Super Bowl.  But you can’t overlook how ironic it is that we would not have seen the Detroit 3 advertising in the Super Bowl even if Detroit had been there.  While watching the NFC Championship last night it made me think about some of the great moments of automotive advertising.  Many of us know it not all about the game, sometimes it about the ads.

Who can forget what some would call the reintroduction and revitalization of Detroit.  Two minutes of pure emotion with Eminem that said, great things are happening in Detroit and at Chrysler.  Sergio and Chrysler’s iconic ad “Imported from Detroit” that introduced the Chrysler 200 during Super Bowl XLV. The moment Eminem turns and faces the camera you can feel the passion for the Motor City.  

Even recent Detroit 3 Super Bowl ads are memorable and funny making for a perfect way to launch a new product.  Remember the Jeep Gladiator spot using Bill Murray’s “Groundhog Day” theme that won the 2020 USA Today’s ad meter or General Motors 2021 ad with Will Ferrell in “No Way Norway” to sell us on GM’s EV future? Who knew that Norway sells more EV’s per capita than the US and by the way Ferrell’s character ends up in Sweden not Norway. We will miss the Detroit 3 this year but let’s talk about who will be advertising in Super Bowl LVlll.  

In 2024 the big stage belongs to VW, BMW, and Kia representing the auto industry and telling their stories.

Let’s not underestimate the VW brand who in 2011 brought us Star Wars’ Darth Vader in a spot called “The Force” touting the new Passat and a young Darth Vader with magical powers.  Also leave it to VW to be clever and innovative to pre-launch the spot and in no time at all millions had watched and the pre-game buzz was on.  You know what I could see?  The Cannon boys running around and playing Star Wars.

Of course, BMW knows how to have some fun.  In 2022 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Salma Hayek starred as “Zeus and Hera”. I love it when they ask Zeus for a little juice on the golf course or taking Peggy the little Pegasus dog out for a walk all leading to the introduction of the all-electric BMW IX.  Arnold still makes me chuckle as Zeus.

Kia last year sent us on an epic adventure for the Binky!  “Binky Dads” is near and dear to any father or grandfather who has searched for that missing binky.  Oh, in my son’s house, color means nothing, it’s all about the binky whether it is blue, green or any other color.  My grandkids are not that picky. And yes, my son would drive his car anywhere to find that binky.

So, we might be missing the Detroit 3, we didn’t get the Lions, but we will have some great football and advertising on Super Bowl Sunday.  In America’s marquee event we will watch Purdy vs. Mahomes, Kelsey vs. Kittle, and Butker vs. Moody. I suspect neither VW, BMW or Kia will disappoint us and proudly represent the auto industry. Can’t wait!

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Marc Cannon
Marc Cannon
Marc Cannon has been a prominent figure in the automotive industry, particularly known for his extensive work with AutoNation, Inc., where he served in various executive roles. His career at AutoNation is marked by significant contributions, particularly in areas of marketing, branding, digital innovation, and customer experience. Cannon held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience Officer at AutoNation until 2023. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing key departments including marketing, advertising communications, community affairs, and public policy. His expertise extended over 30 years, with a focus on automotive industry communications, branding, advertising, and public policy.

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