Today on CBT News – Friday, May 18th, 2018:
Linking Hearst Auto Media Platforms with Digital Marketing Tools
Combining industry-leading brands, tools, and in-depth auto shopper insights with the largest, most diverse automotive audience, Hearst Autos delivers performance-driven marketing solutions and resourceful media platforms at every stage of consideration. To learn more James Tom joins the CBT Automotive Network for an interview about everything Hearts Autos. Watch Now
How to Create a Well-Functioning Service BDC
Over the years we have seen huge improvements in the effectiveness of sales department Business Development Centers (BDC’s). With this success, it seems that more and more dealerships are looking to copy this BDC success over to the service department. There is huge potential for success with a well-functioning service BDC. The opportunity to reach new customers and increase the amount of RO’s is often beyond the capacity of most service departments to handle without some adaptation. Here are some ideas to consider when looking for ways to improve your service department BDC. Read More
Staying Ahead in an Ever-Changing Marketplace
Certainly, all dealers and managers understand the challenges facing automotive retail today: flattening sales; buyers visiting fewer lots; margins under pressure from all sides; never-ending staffing problems; etc. In so many ways, these day-to-day issues are simply a part of selling cars in 2018. So much so, that the dilemma facing many operators today is not how to manage these difficulties, but how to stay on top of the coming changes, both those right in front of them and on the near horizon. Read More