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How leveraging AI can improve dealership operations — David Kain | Kain Automotive

We’ve heard much about AI within our industry, but how does it translate for internet leads and BDC teams? On today’s edition of Inside Automotive, we’re pleased to welcome back David Kain, the President and Owner of Kain Automotive, to walk us through the pros and cons of AI on BDC teams.

At Kain Automotives’ most recent in-person event, the featured speakers discussed AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, and CDP. By addressing these essential elements, they “Couldn’t be happier with the outcome,” expresses Kain. He adds, “We had initially moved the event from November to around mid-April, which was new. But we had events around the house races, castles, and even bourbon testing, just an overall great turnout.”  

Artificial Intelligence

According to Kain, “To a large degree, AI can be utilized through all kinds of strategies put into place.” For example, it can target digital marketing selections and communications to consumer ads. Such as numerous automotive groups using communications to boost AI. So, think back to the engine boost, “There’s a variety of different types of AI utilization, and some are with AI agents, but what’s remarkable is the transition of email and texting,” asserts Kain. 

“It’s amazing how AI has brought emotion into its replies.”

Kain believes, “When it comes to the redundant, non-emotional type of task, get rid of them because they’re useless.” You can get your dealership team and leverage technology to say and do the right things to help your guest later. 

However, AI is primarily the answer that is reality-driven for dealership operations. Kain claims that returning to the archived assembly will show how people brought in most of the parts, despite the drawbacks the industry feels will inevitably arise. However, since robots are assembling the pieces, humans are only in charge of supervision.

Artificial Intelligence will bring a great opportunity to “Eventually recalibrate the human element to a higher level, with a higher pay grade. You may also see a reduction in the workforce in favor of AI completing these repetitive tasks,” explains Kain. Ultimately, leveraging AI in dealerships will quicken processes and shorten procedures, yet it can be done more effectively since humans can focus on more strategic takes.

“It’s amazing how AI has brought emotion into its replies.”

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Jaelyn Campbell
Jaelyn Campbell
Jaelyn Campbell is a staff writer/reporter for CBT News. She is a recent honors cum laude graduate with a BFA in Mass Media from Valdosta State University. Jaelyn is an enthusiastic creator with more than four years of experience in corporate communications, editing, broadcasting, and writing. Her articles in The Spectator, her hometown newspaper, changed how people perceive virtual reality. She connects her readers to the facts while providing them a voice to understand the challenges of being an entrepreneur in the digital world.

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