
Ford Rolls Out 10 Millionth Mustang | Incorporating Transparency in Your Online Retailing Process | U.S. and Mexico Target Nafta Cars Deal by End of Week

Today on – Friday, August 10th, 2018:

Incorporating Transparency in Your Online Retailing Process – Max Zanan
CBT News welcomes Max Zanan, best-selling author of The Perfect Dealership. Max discusses sales strategy and giving your customers the best possible online experience in order to keep up with the shift in consumer purchasing. Watch Now

5 Rules to Make your Meetings More Productive
Poorly run meetings are a huge time waster in any dealership. Nobody likes to sit through a 3 hour meeting only to wonder what really got accomplished when it is all over. Some may argue that meetings are unnecessary altogether, and blame the meeting itself for wasting everybody’s time. The reality is that meetings themselves are not the problem. Read More

Transitioning Your Leadership Style: Six Traits of a Modern Leader
It is not hard to see how much the workplace has evolved over the years. As generations mature and enter the workforce, the culture of the work environment has changed according to their personalities and experiences. Along with the overall work environment, the concept of leadership has transitioned to accommodate changes in technology and culture. So, now that we are in 2018, how do you adapt your leadership style to a modern workforce in your dealership? Read on for six ways to transform your leadership style to that of a modern leader. Read More

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