
AutoNation’s Mike Jackson on the Future of Car Dealerships | Dave Anderson: What it means to be a true leader | U.S. Consumer Spending Rises Most Since 2009 on Car Buying

On today’s CBT Newscast for Thursday, November 2nd, 2017:

AutoNation’s CEO on the Future of Car Dealerships
In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, when asked about sales reaching a plateau, margins shrinking on new cars, the potential of disruption from ride-sharing, and electric and autonomous vehicles, AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson said I’m attracted to dramatic, massive change because I think the opportunity to make a difference is great.” Read More

Dave Anderson: What it means to be a true leader
Being a leader in auto retail means more than just having a title. It means more than just being a top salesperson that was promoted to the position of sales manager. According to Dave Anderson, President of Learn to Lead and the author of 14 books, being a true leader means much more than just being able to lead. Watch Now

U.S. Consumer Spending Rises Most Since 2009 on Car Buying
The headlines say it all: “U.S. Consumer Spending Rises Most Since 2009 on Car Buying.” Bloomberg reports that while consumers are getting support from steady hiring, higher home values, stock-market gains, and low inflation, a sustained pickup in wages would help them further boost purchases. Read More

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