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Automotive Tango Weaves Technologies & People Together to Connect With More Shoppers

Let’s say you’ve made the leap and are using messaging with consumers, both chat and text, on your dealership websites. Good job! We know your dance card is full, but now it’s time to take the next step with Automotive Tango and here’s why:  Contact At Once! customers who Tango make almost double the number of connections with online shoppers.

What do we mean by “Automotive Tango”?

  • Weaving together technologies (a messaging platform, a messaging network and bots) with people (your sales team and our Live Advisors) to connect with as many consumers as possible.  
  • Seamlessly moving customers through the shopping and purchase process.
  • Giving consumers speedy responses to their questions and letting them fill out some of the deal paperwork online to save time.  
  • Your team focusing on closing ready-to-buy shoppers with paperwork in hand when they come to the showroom.

Here are four takeaways to help you get your groove on.

Offer Chances to Connect Everywhere, Not Just on Your Website

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

You want to interact with as many interested shoppers/service customers as possible, right? Well, nearly 80% of car buyers and shoppers say they’re likely to message (chat or text) during their automotive research and shopping, per a Contact At Once! consumer survey. So ensure the “Message Us” option is available wherever they’re looking:

  • Offer messaging wherever you advertise your inventory or dealership online, from your website to online advertising, etc.
  • Take advantage of messaging programs from OEM Tier 1 sites.
  • Add messaging to Google pay-per-click advertising and Google My Business.
  • Hook up Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Messenger to the rest of these messaging options using the same platform.
  • Put text-enabled numbers in print and traditional advertising.

More shoppers can see your dealership in these channels before they actually visit your website and you’ll be giving them an opportunity to make a connection and interact with you from the first impression.

Guide Shoppers Through More of the Buying Process Online with Messaging

Three in four consumers who don’t currently fill out digital retailing forms online said they’d be more likely to do so with live online help, according to the CAO! Root & Associates Live Assistance Study.

Live Advisors—messaging experts who are trained on your products—can help shoppers and owners as they browse, getting general questions answered, scheduling appointments and completing digital retailing processes. Unless you really relish a long game of voicemail or email tag (said no one, ever) keep digital conversations digital and let Live Advisors tango with your dealership sales team when a buyer is ready to make the move.

Customize Bots to Do Some of the Heavy Lifting

No, the machines are not going to take over the world, but what about using them to handle FAQs like your hours of operation or simple service requests? Many initial questions could be handled quickly by a custom-trained messaging bot without the need to involve a salesperson. You just need to be sure that when the conversation takes a turn that the bot can’t navigate, there’s a seamless handoff to a human (whether that’s your team or a Live Advisor).

Bonus: This frees up the sales team to focus on more complex (or in-store) buyer needs while ensuring everyone has a positive dealership experience.

Add Digital Retailing Apps to the Mix

In study after study, consumers tell us that they dread having to spend hours at the dealership buying a new car, but they do value dealership expertise. Using Digital Retailing apps, consumers can get some of the paperwork done ahead of time, while they’re building a positive relationship with your brand. With some messaging platforms, Live Advisors can even co-browse with a consumer if they get stuck on a form or process. Consumers are happy and so are you when more shoppers come ready to make a deal and your salespeople are more productive.

Now is the time to get creative with manpower, messaging technologies and digital retailing—all moves that can save you time while letting your team do what it does best:  close deals!

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