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AIADA’s Cody Lusk and Brad Strong On The Direct Impact of Trump’s Imported Tariffs | FCA Plans to Jump Into Subscription Market in 2019 | May SAAR Exceeds 16.9M

Today on – Wednesday, June 6th, 2018:

Cody Lusk, AIADA President and Brad Strong AIADA Chairman On The Direct Impact of Trump’s Imported Tariffs
On Friday, the Trump administration placed tariffs on all imported Steel and Aluminum from Mexico, Canada, and EU. To talk more about how the automotive industry can be directly impacted, CBT News is joined by Cody Lusk, AIADA president, and Brad Strong AIADA chairman. After the news broke that tariffs were being placed on steel and aluminum the auto industry started buzzing. What does this mean for automotive dealerships? Should Dealers brace for the possible consequences? Lusk and Strong talked openly about this and more to CBT’s Jim Fitzpatrick and they did not hold back. Watch Now

Best Ways To Re-Engage With Lost Customers Using Modern Methods
Consumers want to shop for an automobile in the same way they shop for other items online. Online advertisements encourage consumers to make purchases even before they are certain of what they want to buy. The use of artificial intelligence to bring customers to your dealership is the modern way of advertising. The use of social media and other online techniques as a means to collect data about what consumers are looking for and interested in is an excellent way for car dealers to discover what it is their customers are interested in, particularly when they are looking to purchase a new car. This way, the car dealer can entice their customers with the newest cars on the lot by offering them discounts and bonus packages if they purchase a car right now. Read More

Is Your Dealership Website Truly User-Friendly?
Whether they use it to look up your address or scour it to compare you to your competition, your website is the most public face of your dealership today. Websites have become company gatekeepers, the deciding factor for many customers when choosing who to turn to when making a purchase. However, many times, companies don’t take advantage of this valuable resource, throwing together an obligatory website haphazardly and then neglecting it. Or worse, dealerships might invest heavily in a site, but their focus is on all the wrong elements. In both cases, what results is a website full of consumer “pain points” — areas that annoy customers or make websites so convoluted, clients find the site to be of little use. Read More

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