
5 Rules For Choosing The Right CRM For Your Dealership – Bill Wittenmyer | AutoNation Donates $250,000 to MSD Victims’ Fund | New Vehicle Loans Reach Record High

Today on – Friday, June 8th, 2018:

5 Rules For Choosing The Right CRM For Your Dealership – Bill Wittenmyer
Most of the data that dealers collect from comes from their CRM. We spoke with Bill Wittenmyer, partner at ELEAD1ONE,  to talk about where he believes the direction of data among the automotive industry is heading and how dealerships can set themselves up to receive and capitalize on major opportunities. Watch Now

What GREAT Managers Do To Improve Retention
Often times, great organizations and their respective managers celebrate major milestones for the team and for individuals. Regardless of the size, whether your team just met their quarterly goal or an employee had a baby, you should seize the opportunity to celebrate together with your team with a group excursion or shared meal. Read More

How to Handle Different Types of Buyers
Just as there are different personality types, buyers can also be categorized into different buyer types as well. Some buyers love to negotiate, others hate anything that could resemble confrontation. Some buyers analyze every aspect of a purchase, and others throw caution to the wind and prefer to buy on impulse. It is interesting to examine how the different types of buyers correlate with their respective personality types. As many good sales people know, the greatest success comes from being able to read and understand your buyer. This skill requires a grasp on personality profiling. Read More

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