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The Evolution of On-Lot Shopping – Larry Dorfman | Edmunds May Auto Sales Forecast | GM Military Discounts

Today on – Friday, May 25th, 2018:

newscastThe Evolution of On-Lot Shopping – Larry Dorfman
The role of the salesperson on the floor has changed over the years and now engaging with customers extends far beyond the reach of an in-store experience. The fact of the matter is that a buyer probably knows more about the car they want then your most season employee. Watch Now

Social Media vs. Third-Party Marketing: Which Is Best for Your Dealership?
Deciding where to put your dealership’s marketing budget and strategies can be challenging. The world of technology has brought about many options, but with each one there are pros and cons to seeing it through. Dealers have always had third-party sites like or Autotrader to lean on, but does it make more sense to take the message straight to the people and solely invest in social media marketing instead? Read More

Don’t Let Customer F&I Complaints Linger… Act Quick to Minimize Damage
We all know the old saying…a customer has a good experience and they tell one person. They have a BAD experience and they tell 10 people. If this bad experience was at a dealership, however, the stakes and the potential costs are much higher. Fines, bad PR, and a ruined community reputation can have far reaching impacts that can affect your bottom line. Read More

Memorial Day — How Your Dealership Can Give Back To Its Community
The Memorial Day holiday is just around the corner. This is the holiday in which we honor the fallen soldiers who have fought for our freedom. As a business owner and member of your community, here are a few ideas that you can do to help the community celebrate this coming holiday. Read More

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