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Tag: motivate


How inspirational leadership can work at your dealership

How do you lead in a crisis? How do you ensure your team continues to function and thrive during times of uncertainty? Dealership managers—and...
sales staff

5 Ways to Motivate Your Sales Staff

If there’s one thing we expect from your sales staff, it’s that they make sales. Being able to motivate your salespeople on an ongoing...

Three free and simple ways to inspire your dealership staff

According to Gallup, most Americans could not care less about the places where they work. A paycheck is the only reason they go. They...

6 Ways To Motivate Employees

Roughly 86% of businesses have a formal rewards program in place designed to motivate staff to do their best, and that’s not really a big...

7 Things Great Bosses Tell Their Employees Every Single Day

Keeping employees motivated can be one of the hardest parts of a managers job. Motivated employees often equals efficiency, lower turnover, a happier workplace...

Daily Newscast: Big data + targeted marketing = your next buyer...

On today's CBT Newscast for Tuesday April 25, 2017:  Big data + targeted marketing = your next buyer Big data has been taking center stage in...