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GNYADA President Mark Schienberg Says Mayor Bill de Blasio ‘completely out of step’


Recently, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio made some controversial statements regarding his feelings on the future of automotive consumerism in his city, post COVID-19. To share his thoughts on de Blasio’s recommendations, we’re pleased to welcome back Mark Schienberg, President of the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, or GNYADA.

During Thursday’s press conference, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio encouraged NYC residents to begin taking mass transit telling reporters, “cars are the past, the future is going to be mass transit, biking, walking…I’m never going to own a car again, I can tell you that much.”

These comments sent shockwaves through the greater New York automotive retail community.

“It just shows you how much out of step [de Blasio] is with not only the business community, with what’s going on presently with COVID-19, but with what the public is looking to do,” says Mark. “We have the most first time buyers since COVID-19 broke out in New York because people didn’t want to go into mass transit, and they need reliable transportation.

Since becoming president in 1987, Mark Schienberg has been running the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association (GNYADA) for the better part of 30 years. During his tenure, the association has become the largest regional automobile dealer network in the county representing 650 retail automobile franchises.

GNYADA President Mark Schienberg Says Mayor Bill de Blasio ‘completely out of step’ with NYC Business Community

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