
Prescriptive Analytics for the Auto Dealer | Why Automotive Needs to Get More Personal | 5 Qualities Every Successful Salesperson Needs to Have

Today on – Tuesday, September 18th, 2018:

newscastPrescriptive Analytics for the Auto Dealer- Bill Leeks, Dominion Dealer
CBT Automotive is joined today by Bill Leek, the head of national accounts at Dominion Dealer Solutions to discuss the new buzzwords in automotive, artificial intelligence. Watch Now

newscastWhy Automotive Needs to Get More Personal
Too often we leading the conversation with customers by talking about the product, not the person who is about to make the second-most expensive purchase of their life. For example, even though seven out of ten consumers are undecided about make and model when they shop for a new car, nearly all online car search experiences force people to select make or model as the initial step in their journey — instead of first learning about the shopper and offering intelligent suggestions based on those learnings. Read More

newscast5 Qualities Every Successful Salesperson Needs to Have
Want to improve your sales capacity? While some salespeople have an innate sense of how to rise above the pack, the truth is anyone with desire and patience can learn to be a fantastic salesperson. They do this by identifying what makes a great salesperson great and then developing those qualities within themselves. Here are five qualities top salespeople possess and how you can incorporate them into your repertoire if you’re looking to improve your game. Read More

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