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Brian Finkelmeyer and Patrick Janes Discuss Navigating the Robust Used-Car Market and Growing Your Dealership | Google Voice Search and PPC Campaigns | How Dealerships Can Help Their Communities While Growing Their Brand on Social Media

Today on – Thursday, October 24th, 2019:

newscastFast Talk: Brian Finkelmeyer and Patrick Janes Discuss Navigating the Robust Used-Car Market and Growing Your Dealership
In this segment of Fast Talk, vAuto’s Brian Finkelmeyer and Patrick Janes discuss the challenges dealers face as rising pressure of expenses coupled with the diminishing grosses, continue to compress margins. Brian and Patrick advise dealers on how to navigate our currently robust used-car market and take advantage of it in order to grow your business and overcome those expense challenges. And Patrick mentions one of the most important factors that can help with this problem: sourcing. Watch Now

newscastHow to Make Google Voice Search and PPC Campaigns Work for Your Dealership
Advertising is a significant investment for most car dealerships, rolling the dice with monthly ad spends in the thousands of dollars per rooftop. Many are just emerging from traditional ad methods to ‘test the waters’ with modern campaigns like online PPC, or pay-per-click, marketing strategies. Cutting-edge dealers, though, are moving from print to digital and now to voice search, where the emerging tech is being embraced in leaps and bounds. Read More

newscastFive Ways Dealerships Can Help Their Communities While Growing Their Brand on Social Media
According to a 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Study by Cone Communications, 87 percent of respondents said they would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they care about. The Harvard Business School also found that employees who have the opportunity to give to charities through their employer are happier than those who do not. According to data, your dealership stands to benefit from doing good. Getting involved with a local charity is a great way to not only help the community but also gain visibility. Read More

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